Honor someone special
Make a gift in memory or celebration
Donating to The Westmead Institute for Medical Research Foundation as a tribute to someone special is a meaningful way to honour them, especially by supporting medical research related to their experience. Consider requesting donations instead of flowers to contribute to a healthier future.
Donate in lieu of flowers
Requesting donations to The Westmead Institute for Medical Research instead of flowers can be an intentional part of funeral arrangements or remembering a loved one’s anniversary.
Gifts in memory envelopes
We offer Giving in Memory envelopes to collect contributions during funeral services. For these envelopes, please have the funeral home contact us at 02 8627 3000, and consider including this donation option in any funeral announcements.
Donate Online
To make an In Memory donation online, please click here.
Donate in Lieu of Gifts
For celebrations like birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, suggesting donations to The Westmead Institute for Medical Research in place of gifts is a wonderful way to mark the occasion.