News and events Media contact: Kylie Ironside, Communications and Marketing Manager +61 413 611 959. Showing 36 of 347 New stem cell research solves deadly complication Professor Anthony Harris honoured with Order of Australia World first: AI-based test to predict life-threatening bacterial infections in COVID-19 patients WIMR-led research receives MRFF grant WIMR researchers recently promoted $2.6 million NHMRC Investigator Grant awarded to Associate Professor Joanne Reed $4.9 million in NHMRC Ideas Grant funding to WIMR researchers WIMR at the Westmead Health and Innovation District Conference The true cost of waiting times for cataract surgery in Australia Dr Olaitan Ogunbodede awarded NSW International Student of the Year – Higher Education WIMR at BIO2023 USA Extra! Extra! Read all about it. 1 2 3 4 5 … 29