WIMR is delighted to announce that Associate Professor Joanne Reed, Director of the Centre for Immunology and Allergy Research, has been awarded a $2.6 million Investigator Grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
NHMRC Investigator Grants support research across the four pillars of health and medical research: biomedical, clinical, public health and health services, and researchers at all career stages. The scheme aims to allow flexibility for researchers to pursue important new research directions, to form collaborations, and foster innovative and creative research.
Associate Professor Reed’s successful project aims to use genomics to transform the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disease.
With research focused on developing new genomic technology to improve the prognosis and treatment of autoimmune and amyloid diseases, Associate Professor Reed’s expertise in single cell genomics and recombinant antibody technology led to the identification of the immune cells responsible for severe autoimmune pathology in patients. Her work uncovered the origins of a pathogenic antibody and proposed a strategy for precision medicine.
WIMR’s Executive Director, Professor Philip O’Connell says, “Since joining WIMR in 2021, Associate Professor Reed has made substantial contributions to our research and community and has experienced a number of significant successes. This includes being awarded the inaugural Peter Tosi Fellowship in Amyloidosis Research.
“Associate Professor Reed’s contribution to WIMR as a researcher and leader has recently resulted in her starting as the new Director of the Centre for Immunology and Allergy Research at WIMR. I congratulate her on this appointment as well as the NHMRC Investigator Grant Award.”
“Joanne’s research is directly aligned with the WIMR strategic plan objective of building on our strength in genomics. It is also great to see the investment of WIMR in our Early and Mid-Career Researchers represented with this success.”
The full list of NHMRC grant recipients can be found here.