WIMR at the Westmead Health and Innovation District Conference

WIMR Executive Director, Professor Philip O’Connell, was delighted to be part of Business Western Sydney’s 3rd annual Westmead Health and Innovation District Conference.

Professor O’Connell was invited to speak on a panel about the pioneering research being carried out every day at WIMR, and the focus on translating WIMR’s research into clinical treatments for patients.

The topic of the panel discussion was “Westmead Health Precinct: Bridging Opportunities and Innovation through Jobs, Industry, and Research”.  Professor O’Connell joined Katja Beitat, Head of HealthTech for Cicada Innovations; Graeme Loy, CEO of the Western Sydney Local Health District; Anne O’Neill, Acting Executive Director, Office for Health and Medical Research; and Moderator, Liza Noonan, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Investment NSW.

The panel discussed some of the exciting innovations underway at Westmead, including WIMR’s groundbreaking work in infectious diseases and advanced therapeutics.


Image credit: Mavis C Photography