WIMR leaders named among top researchers globally

Research.com has named two of WIMR’s senior researchers among the top medical researchers in the world.

Congratulations to Professor Paul Mitchell AO and Professor David Brown.

Professor Mitchell is the Director of WIMR’s Centre for Vision Research.  He also clinically as a medical retina specialist and is Ophthalmology Director for the Sydney West Local Health Network, covering one million residents.

Professor Mitchell has made significant contributions in the fields of public health and ophthalmic epidemiology via the landmark Blue Mountains Eye Study, with papers in all major eye journals, as well as leading medical journals. He has also conducted considerable research into childhood eye conditions via the Sydney Childhood Eye Study.


Professor David Brown leads WIMR’s Neuroinflammation research group, as well as being a Senior Staff Specialist in Clinical Immunology at Westmead Hospital.  Professor Brown’s research focuses on chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. He is also actively researching the role of the immunity in cancer and neuroinflammatory diseases.