WIMR researchers awarded National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grants

WIMR researchers have achieved an outstanding level of success in the most recent round of NHMRC Investigator Grants. More than $9.2 million has been awarded to support WIMR teams as they investigate treatments, preventions and cures for some of the biggest disease challenges of our time.

NHMRC Investigator Grants provide the highest-performing researchers at all career stages with consolidated funding for their salary (if required) and a significant research support package.

In this way, the successful researcher has flexibility to pursue important new research directions as they arise, adjust their resources accordingly, and to form collaborations as needed, rather than being restricted to the scope of a specific research project.

WIMR Executive Director, Professor Philip O’Connell said that WIMR’s level of funding success is an acknowledgment of the pioneering and world-class research work that is being conducted at WIMR and across the Westmead Health Precinct.

In congratulating the recipients, Professor O’Connell said, “This is a wonderful achievement.

“I am particularly thrilled to see the range of research at WIMR that has been recognised. Our research addresses some of the most serious disease challenges, and the successful projects are recognition of the research that his being conducted at our institute. Cancer; diabetes; mental health; viral infections; and combating antiobiotic resistance – all vital health issues that have significant impact locally and on a global scale,” said Professor O’Connell.

“This funding demonstrates not only the quality of work being conducted at WIMR, but the expertise and focus on translating research outcomes into improved treatments for patients. Congratulations to all the recipients.”

Congratulations to the following WIMR researchers who received NHMRC Investigator Grants:

Researcher: Professor Anna DeFazio AM
Project: Tailoring treatment to improve outcome for ovarian cancer patients

Researcher: Professor Jenny Gunton
Project: Targeting β-cells for diabetes therapy

Researcher: Professor Tony Cunningham AO
Project: Complementary studies of HIV and Herpes Simplex Viral infection of genital mucosa and the mechanism of action of systemically delivered vaccines

Researcher: Doctor Aleksandra Petrovic
Project: Phage therapy – translating research evidence into clinical application

Congratulations also to Professor Richard Bryant from the WIMR Brain Dynamics Centre on receiving Investigator grant funding for his project, “Improving Posttraumatic Mental Health. This project, based primarily at UNSW, will conduct research through the WIMR Traumatic Stress Clinic.

The full list of NHMRC grant recipients can be found here.