Plasmids Group

The Plasmids Group focuses on innovative strategies to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a top global health threat. Using genetically engineered plasmids, the group is developing therapies that eradicate antibiotic resistance genes from bacteria without disrupting beneficial microbiota. This approach preserves the host’s gut ecosystem and mitigates resistance adaptation. With support from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), the team is advancing diagnostic tools and testing therapeutic plasmids to eliminate AMR in clinical and environmental settings.

Key research focus areas include:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Management: Developing strategies to combat antibiotic resistance through innovative therapies.
  • Plasmid Therapy: Using genetically engineered plasmids to eradicate antibiotic resistance genes without harming beneficial bacteria or promoting resistance adaptation.
  • Diagnostic Tool Development: Creating new methods to track and manage antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations.
  • Preservation of Microbiota: Ensuring therapeutic approaches do not disrupt the host’s gut microbiome, preserving overall health and microbial balance.
  • Environmental and Clinical Impact Studies: Understanding the role of plasmids in bacterial ecosystems across human, animal, and environmental health.

Recent Achievements

  • Securing Major MRFF Grant
    Awarded $1.99 million by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to advance Plasmid Therapy research and AMR management strategies.
  • Development of Genetically Modified Probiotic Plasmids
    Created GM-probiotic plasmids designed to prevent bacteria from acquiring resistance genes, safeguarding the host microbiota.
  • Establishment of New Diagnostic Tools
    Developed innovative diagnostic methods to track and manage antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations.

Recent publications

Plasmid DNA Isolation and Visualization, Book Chapter, 2020

Plasmid Interference for Antibiotic Resistance Curing PLoS One, 2023

Flash Flooding Adaptation in Agriculture Heliyon, 2023

Mangrove Soil Carbon Stock Drivers Journal of Environmental Management, 2023

Antimicrobial Resistance and Public Health Impact Infection and Immunity, 2023

Name Role
Professor Jon Iredell Group Co-Lead, Director, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Research Centre
Associate Professor Sally Partridge Senior Research Scientist, AMR Expert
Dr. Muhammad (Kamal) Kamruzzaman Group Co-Lead, Senior Scientist, Plasmid Therapy Specialist
Dr. Alicia Fajardo Lubian Postdoctoral Fellow, Microbial Genomics Researcher


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