Precision Genomics in Intensive Care Medicine Research Group

The Genomics team leads intensive care medicine research at Nepean Hospital and WIMR, focusing on the immunology of infectious diseases like sepsis, influenza, and COVID-19. Our goal is to commercialise findings and develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Our research has secured significant funding, resulted in high-impact publications, and led to the development of a patented biomarker that differentiates viral from bacterial pneumonia.

Recent Achievements

  • Co-led a paper published in the Lancet Microbe (IF 20.9), offering valuable insights for patient care
  • Best Oral Presentation, Annual Nepean Research Day
  • Best Poster Presentation, Annual Nepean Research Day

Recent publications

The Lancet Microbe

Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine- Book chapter

European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Lancet Respir Med

Nature communications

A. Prof Sam Orde Director, Dept Intensive Care Medicine, Nepean Hospital and USYD
Prof Anthony McLean Professor Intensive Care Medicine- USYD
Dr Tracy Chew Senior Research Bioinformatics
Tiana Pelaia Research Assistant
Amy Phu Database administrator
Sally Mount Research nurse


With your support, we can continue to explore groundbreaking research and improved health outcomes for people everywhere.

our story