Qi Cao
Associate Professor
Centre for Transplant and Renal Research
Renal Inflammation and immunology Group
Currently open to PHD and Honours students in the topic areas of:
Developing novel therapeutic approaches by using innate lymphoid cells in chronic kidney disease

Dr Qi Cao received his PhD in 2016 through the University of Sydney in Professor David Harris’ Renal Failure Laboratory in Westmead Institute for Medical Research. In 2019, he was appointed as Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow by the University of Sydney to lead the lab of the Renal Inflammation & Immunology within WIMR. Dr Cao has longstanding research interests and extensive expertise in renal disease and immunotherapy, with a particular focus on the role of regulatory immune cells and their therapeutic potential in kidney disease. His research is highly regarded and well-funded with NHMRC project grants and industry supported projects.
Research interests
Chronic kidney disease, Acute kidney injury, Macrophage and Dendritic cell therapy, Innate lymphoid cell biology, Diabetes and islet transplantation
Additional information
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=SjxjQkcAAAAJ&hl=en
USyd link – https://www.sydney.edu.au/medicine-health/about/our-people/academic-staff/qi-cao
Current grants
NHMRC | 2022-2026 | Developing novel therapeutic approaches by using innate lymphoid cells in chronic kidney disease |
NHMRC | 2022-2025 | Exploring the therapeutic potential of genetically engineering macrophages with a Chimeric Signaling Switch Receptor in kidney diseases |
Australian and New Zealand Society for Nephrology (ANZSN), The Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN), International Society of Nephrology (ISN), Australian Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences (ACABS), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Grant Review Committee
Professional Associations and Organisations
2019 | The University of Sydney | A/Professor |
2018 | National Health and Medical Research Council | Grant Review Committee member |
2020 | Australian Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences | Committee member |
Awards and recognition
2021 International Society of Nephrology Early Career Researcher Award |
2020 Westmead Institute for Medical Research Science Award |
2019 Westmead Institute for Medical Research Science Award |
2016 Westmead Institute for Medical Research Science Award |
2016 ANZSN Travel Grant |
2015 Westmead Institute for Medical Research Science Award |
2015 ANZSN Travel Grant |
2015 Westmead Association Research Travel Grant |
2014 ANZSN Travel Grant |
2013 Westmead Association Research Travel Grant |
2012 Kidney Health Australia Postgraduate Scholarship |
2011 Westmead Millennium Institute Science Award |
2010 Finalist of Young Investigator Award of The 46th ANZSN Congress |
2007 Outstanding graduates of Shanghai Jiaotong University |