Ajay Kumar Vijay


Research Scientist



Centre for Vision Research

TORIC: Translational Ocular Research and Immunology Consortium

Currently open to PHD and Honours students in the topic areas of:

Ocular Microbiology

Dry Eye

Contact Lens

Ajay Kumar Vijay


Ajay Kumar Vijay graduated with bachelor’s degree in optometry from the Elite School of Optometry, Chennai and PhD from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He worked as a research fellow at the Brien Holden Vision Institute and senior research fellow at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales. He is currently a research scientist at the Westmead Institute for Medical research. His research interests include contact lenses related infiltrative events, ocular discomfort, antibiotic resistance and novel antimicrobial agents. Dr Vijay has 50 peer reviewed publications (h index 16) with several refereed conference abstracts.

Research interests

Antimicrobial Resistance, Contact Lens related infections, inflammations, Contact Lens Discomfort, Dry Eye

Adjunct roles

Honorary Senior Lecturer Sydney University
Adjunct Lecturer University of New South Wales

Recent publications

A review of the antiviral activity of cationic antimicrobial peptides

Antiviral effect of multipurpose contact lens disinfecting solutions against coronavirus

Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Genetics of Contact Lens–Related and Non–Contact Lens-Related Infectious Keratitis

CLEAR - Contact lens complications

Understanding clinical and immunological features associated with Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus keratitis

Current grants


University of Sydney, University of New South Wales

Professional Associations and Organisations

2020 American Academy of Optometry Fellow
2020 International Society for Contact Lens Research Member
2005 Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology Member

Awards and recognition

2020 - Dean of Science Staff Excellence Award, UNSW
2019 & 2021 – Embraces Diversity Award, School of Optometry & Vision Science, UNSW