Dinny Graham


BSc (hons), PhD


Centre for Cancer Research

Translational Breast Cancer Genomics Research Group

Currently open to PHD and Honours students in the topic areas of:

Development of novel precision medicine tests for breast cancer prognostication

Cancer stem cells in the development of neoadjuvant treatment resistance in triple negative breast cancer

Molecular characterization of progesterone signalling pathways in breast cancer

Dinny Graham


Dr Graham completed her PhD in molecular endocrinology of breast cancer, at the University of Sydney, before moving to the University of Colorado to work with internationally recognized researcher Professor Kathryn Horwitz, who is known for her pioneering work bringing assessment of progesterone receptor expression in breast cancer into routine clinical management. Dr Graham now leads the breast cancer research team at WIMR, where she has forged strong ties with clinical colleagues at Westmead Hospital. Her research focus is on understanding the drivers of breast cancer development and progression, with a goal of developing innovative precision medicine applications.

Research interests

Development of novel precision medicine tests for breast cancer prognostication, Cancer stem cells in the development of neoadjuvant treatment resistance in triple negative breast cancer, Molecular characterization of progesterone signalling pathways in breast cancer.

Adjunct roles

Senior Research Fellow - Translational breast cancer genomics research Westmead Breast Cancer Institute, Westmead Hospital
Senior Research Fellow, Westmead Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health University of Sydney
MD Research Project Co-ordinator University of Sydney

Current grants

Medibank Better Health Foundation 2023 to 2025 The PROSPER Program: Providing affordable precision medicine care for breast cancer patients


Westmead Hospital, University of Sydney

Professional Associations and Organisations

2024 Endocrinology Associate Editor
2020-2023 Endocrinology Editorial Board Member
2020-2024 Cells Editorial Board Member
2016-2019 Journal of the Endocrine Society Editorial Board Member

Awards and recognition

2021 NSW Premier’s Outstanding Cancer Research Early Career Fellow of the Year
2021 NSW Premier’s Outstanding Cancer Research Early Career Fellow of the Year
2021 NSW Premier’s Outstanding Cancer Research Early Career Fellow of the Year