Min Hu




Centre for Transplant and Renal Research

Transplant Immunology Group

Currently open to PHD and Honours students in the topic areas of:

Transplant Immunology

Min Hu


Dr. Min Hu, a mid-career scientist at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research and a Senior Lecturer of University of Sydney. Her research interests include investigating the mechanism of transplant rejection and induction of transplant tolerance. She also leads a team on developing therapeutic strategies and immune cell therapy to facilitate transplant tolerance. Dr Hu has authored 63 high quality publications and most papers published in the leading journals of transplantation and medicine including NEJM, Diabetes, JASN, AJT. Dr Hu’s research is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, JDRF/Australian Research Council, Diabetes Australia, and University of Sydney.

Research interests

Allotransplantation – rejection and tolerance, Xenotransplantation – rejection and tolerance, Developing Immune cell therapy for protecting against transplant rejection

Adjunct roles

Senior Lecturer University of Sydney

Current grants

JDRF SRA 3-2024-1463-S-B Nov 2023 – Nov 2026 Harnessing T cell exhaustion for type 1 diabetes prevention Lead PI : Thomas Kay, Role : Co-Investigate. Awards: $2,250,000 over 3 years
NHMRC Ideas Grant (GNT1183810) 2020-2024 Using Regulatory CAR T Cells to Protect Kidney Transplants. Award: $833,925. Role: CIC (CIA: Prof. Stephen Alexander).
NHMRC Ideas Grant (GNT1183806) 2020-2024 Opening the Black Box-Studies of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Immunopeptidome in Allorecognition and Transplant Tolerance Induction. Role: co-AI (CIA: A/Prof. Alexandra Sharland).


University of Sydney

Professional Associations and Organisations

2013-present Australia Society of Immunology (ASI) Member
2013-present International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA) Member
2002-present The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) Member
2002-present the Transplantation Society Member

Awards and recognition

2004 - University of Sydney Postgraduate Award
2005 - Young Investigator Award, TSANZ
2007 - Young Scientist Program Research Travel Awards, JDRF
2010 - Basic Science Mentee/Mentor Award, TTS
2011-6/2015: NHMRC Early Career Fellowship
2012 - Basic Science Mentee/Mentor Award, the Transplantation Society (TTS)
2012-present: Committee Member of ASI/NSW ACT Subcommittee
2013-2018: Key convenor and member of organising committee of Monthly Westmead Immunobiology Hub Seminars
2014 - Member of organising committee for Cell Therapy Workshop of TSANZ, 2014, Westmead
2015: DVC USYD Research Fellowship
2015-2016: Member of Scientific Program and Education Committee (SPEC) of TSANZ
2016 - Key convenor of TSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 2016, Sydney
2018 - Travel Award, the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ)
2018-present: Committee member of Westmead Research Hub - Flow Cytometry Scientific Advisory Committee
2020- WISE awards, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research
2022 DC and Treg Cell Therapy meeting 2022 for transplantation TSANZ, NSW Heath, WIMR, CKR,