John-Sebastian Eden


BMS(Hons I)

Centre for Virus Research

John-Sebastian Eden


Dr John-Sebastian Eden is Research Scientist in Bioinformatics and Genomics based at The Westmead Insitute for Medical Research and Senior Research Fellow in the Sydney Medical School. Dr Eden is a Virologist, who joined the University of Sydney in 2013 with a post-doctoral position in the research group of Professor Eddie Holmes and supported by an NHMRC early career fellowship. Dr Eden has a strong background in viral genome sequencing and analysis, including the application of next-generation sequencing protocols and state-of-the-art bioinformatics methods.

Research interests

The evolutionary mechanisms that drive pathogen emergence and spread, Unbiased sequencing for pathogen discovery

Adjunct roles

Senior Research Fellow Sydney Medical School Institutes

Recent publications

Fatal Human Neurologic Infection Caused by Pigeon Avian Paramyxovirus-1, Australia. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(12), 2482-2487.

New Detection of Locally Acquired Japanese Encephalitis Virus Using Clinical Metagenomics, New South Wales, Australia. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(3), 627-630.

Cellular Activation, Differentiation, and Proliferation Influence the Dynamics of Genetically Intact Proviruses over Time. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 225(7), 1168-1178.

Emergence of Japanese encephalitis in Australia: a diagnostic perspective. Pathology, 54(6), 669-677.

Emerging Genotype IV Japanese Encephalitis Virus Outbreak in New South Wales, Australia. Viruses, 14(9).

Additional information

Google Scholar:



Current grants

Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research (ACH2)/Research Support 2022 Building active surveillance systems to track hepatitis C virusepidemiology and antiviral resistance
Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Genomic Health Futures Mission (GHFM) - Project Grant 2021 Meta-GP: Delivering a Clinical Metagenomics Platform for Australia


University of Sydney, Sydney Medical School

Professional Associations and Organisations

Centre for Virus Research at the Westmead Institute for Medical Reseach
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity
Biology Domain at the Charles Perkins Centre
Australian Society for Microbiology Professional member

Awards and recognition

NHMRC Peter Doherty Early Career Fellowship (2014-18)