Core facilities
Scientific knowledge and expertise
Our core facilities are the pumping heart of the research effort at Westmead. We are particularly proud of how, as a partnership, we have continually developed our research capability, allowing any groups who use our facilities to remain internationally competitive while also enabling unique opportunities for research collaboration.
The Westmead Research Hub (WRH) is a collaboration of seven partners working in medical research and innovation on the
Westmead Health Precinct.
WRH undertakes projects that encourage collaboration – in sharing both physical resources and brain power of our members. The goal of WRH is to grow Westmead as a world leader in health and medical research by exercising our strength in numbers. We are dedicated to excellence in the provision of shared research equipment and service provision through our Core Facilities to support critical research.
Our equipment is acquired collaboratively and offered on a fee-for-use basis. Our facilities can be accessed by Westmead researchers, external academic, and commercial users.
We welcome all types of users to our facilities. We would love the opportunity to discuss how we can add value to your project through our cutting-edge technology and capability.