Scientific technology & expertise

Westmead Cytometry

Westmead Cytometry generates quality data using advanced technologies to facilitate translational medical research.

Techniques, technologies & services

Westmead Cytometry specialises in:


Westmead Cytometry provides access to digital spectral flow cytometers with over 64 detectors. Utilising a number of lasers, tens of thousands of cells or particles can be interrogated per second providing quantitative, multiparametric, high-quality data in a high throughput platform.

Cell sorters

Westmead Cytometry provides access to fluorescence, imaging and magnetically activated, temperature controlled, cell sorters to purify populations.

Data Analysis

Workstations equipped with analysis software as well as access to high performance cloud computing is provided by Westmead Cytometry in conjunction with Microsoft Azure and the Sydney Informatic Hub.

Training & Education

Westmead Cytometry provides instrument training and theoretical education as part of a new user induction. Westmead Cytometry is committed to delivering the latest in research techniques by hosting a number of seminars focusing on specifific areas including experimental setup, sample preparation and data analysis.


Westmead Cytometry enables continued developments to facilitate medical research through supporting advanced technologies such as 3D printing, single cell manipulations and microfluidics applications.

Spectral cytometry provides fluorescent marker signatures that are unmixed to provide high parameter phenotyping of single cells.

Visualisation of high parameter flow cytometry data using t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE). Density, cluster, or marker information can be overlayed to understand the cellular phenotype located on an island.

Westmead Research Hub (WRH) Facilities

Westmead Cytometry is one of nine core facilities at Westmead precinct. WRH core facilities are available for all WRH researchers, external researchers and industry partners. Learn more about what our other facilities have to offer.

Contact us

For more information on Westmead Research Hub facilities , contact our team at:


The Flow Cytometry Facility is located on Level 2 of the Westmead Institute for Medical Research