Scientific technology & expertise
Westmead Electron Microscopy
The Westmead Electron Microscopy Facility is a comprehensive laboratory for life science electron microscopy, offering a range of conventional and low temperature preparation techniques for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It provides access to electron microscopes, an extensive repertoire of technical methods, training, and support to research groups on the Westmead campus and beyond.
Techniques, technologies & services
Ultrastructural Morphology
The WRH-EMF houses two 120kV TEM’s for routine ultrathin section analysis.
Macromolecular Analysis
Negative staining provides a quick and easy method for visualising viruses, bacteria, protein, lipid, DNA, and almost any macromolecular complex in the TEM. This technique involves the object of interest being surrounded by a heavy metal stain, allowing the shape, size and surface structure of an object to be studied.
Protein Detection
Immuno-electron microscopy enables researchers to detect a particular protein in a specimen by attaching an electron dense particle to it. This technique can be performed on resin or thawed Tokuyasu cryosections.
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)
CLEM uses fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy, to characterise the same cellular structure, by combining contextual information from the light microscope, with the resolution of the electron microscope.
Cryo Fixation
High pressure freezing is used to freeze biological samples in a vitreous state, preventing the formation of any detectable ice crystals. The sample is then fixed, dehydrated and processed to a resin block at low temperature, preventing typical processing artefacts that are introduced during conventional room temperature processing.
Westmead Research Hub (WRH) Facilities
Westmead Electron Microscopy is one of nine core facilities at Westmead precinct. WRH core facilities are available for all WRH researchers, external researchers and industry partners. Learn more about what our other facilities have to offer.
Contact us
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The Westmead Electron Microscopy Facility is located on Level 1 of ICPMR, Westmead Hospital.