Scientific technology & expertise

Westmead Imaging

Microscopy is routinely used in the biology toolkit with highly specialised imaging methods accessible by researchers. Westmead Imaging is setup to assist researchers in obtaining high quality data from samples with advanced instruments.

The experienced facility staff can assist researchers with specialised requirements including automated large-area imaging of slides (highthroughput), multiwell plates and petri dishes under brightfield and fluorescence illumination.

Westmead Imaging also provides assistance in accessing other types of microscopy instruments at Westmead and other microscope facilities across Sydney.

Techniques, technologies & services

Westmead Imaging specialises in:

  • Standard widefield, brightfield and fluorescence imaging (Single-field images of histological and fluorescently labelled slides)
  • Laser scanning confocal microscopy
  • High throughput whole slide brightfield and fluorescence imaging
  • Live cell imaging
  • Digital light sheet microscopy
  • Analysis computers and advice on image analysis techniques

Stem cell derived ventricular cardiomyocytes imaging, curtesy of Max Cumberland, CHR, WIMR Stem cell derived ventricular cardiomyocytes with components of their contractile machinery labelled, namely actin myofilaments (Green, Alexa Fluor 647), α-actinin (Red, Alexa Fluor 594) and nuclei (Blue, DAPI).

Myocardium in a dog heart by Kyi Thant (WIMR)

Pig ovary by Sindu Igoor (WIMR)

Westmead Research Hub (WRH) Facilities

Westmead Imaging is one of nine core facilities at Westmead precinct. WRH core facilities are available for all WRH researchers, external researchers and industry partners. Learn more about what our other facilities have to offer.

Contact us

For more information on Westmead Research Hub facilities , contact our team at:


The Imaging Facility is located on Level 2 of the Westmead Institute for Medical Research